ENDA - European Nurse Directors Association

How best to empower people and organisations?

With passion and expertise.

If that is also your philosophy, then ENDA is the right place for you to shape the future of Healthcare in Europe.

Iris Meyenburg-Altwarg, Dipl. Pflegewirtin, RN


Professor Jacqueline Filkins, Honorary President

ENDA has a new Board!

We thank retiring President and outgoing members and welcome new Board colleagues!

Despite the many challenges the pandemic has created, ENDA has shown its ability to seamlessly regroup and remain responsive to its members and values. The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties has made us resilient and innovative. We remain accountable to our members and invite you to participate in our journey. Nurse Leaders together can learn from each other and influence policies at many levels. Let’s do it!

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To be ‘in charge’ is certainly not only to carry out the proper measures yourself but to see that everyone else does so too.
Florence Nightingale

Nurses are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response

Coronavirus ‘biggest challenge in a generation’

Coronavirus ‘biggest challenge in a generation’

Coronavirus ‘biggest challenge in a generation’


Nurses are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response

Nurses in the front line

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The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible.

Virginia Henderson
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ENDA is now part of Florence Nightingale F…

As ENDA is now member of the Florence Nightingale Foundation, automatically all ENDA members can use the offers of FNF for free! Just have a look at https://florence-nightingale-foundation.org.uk/webinars/  If you want to get the FNF newsletter please sign in at the FNF Homepage 

ENDAs contribution to the “hall of f…

As nurse leaders, it is important that we remain vigilant about prioritizing key areas for the future. Enhancing services and improving healthcare outcomes must be at the forefront of our efforts. It is about attracting, recruiting, training, educating and retaining the nursing workforce. We have to put quality, safety and … Read more


Join the ENDA movement

to further the development of the art and science of nursing leadership and management in Europe.

14th ENDA Congress, Helsinki, Finland – review & evaluation

Previous Event - 14. ENDA Congress

The Future, Leadership and Changes

Helsinki, Finland

We are very honored that we had the opportunity to participate in the 14th ENDA Congress in Helsinki. It was extremely fruitful with so many excellent lectures, speeches from nursing authorities. If we can conclude the amazing Nursing congress. We would like to express our sincere thanks to our colleagues from Finland Kirsi and Juha.

14th ENDA Congress, Helsinki, Finland – review & evaluation